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Mobile Plant & Machinery, Truck, Motor Vehicle, Trailer, Public Liability and Tools

Please complete the following information and submit this form to obtain an insurance quotation.

All information you provide must be correct, true, and accurate as incorrect or misleading information may alter our quote and jeopardise cover if you proceed with a policy.

Please refer to the CGIB Financial Services Guide, Privacy Statement, General Advice Warning and Duty of Disclosure before completing this form.

Please click here for further information on machinery, plant and equipment insurance.

Click on one of the following links if you would like the quotation to include other types of cover such as;
- Public Liability Insurance
- Trades Insurance

You have errors in your submission, they are highlighted in red below



Mobile Plant & Machinery, Truck, Motor Vehicle, Trailers

IMPORTANT: Un-Registered Items
Cover will exclude damage to third party property or third party injury caused by the item / machine Cover Recommendation Obtain a Public Liability Insurance Policy
Add another item

Add additional driver / operator


Yes  No
Yes  No

Yes  No

  • On, in, over or under a permanent body of water?
  • Sand or beach operations?
  • A tidal zone?
  • Floating platforms or barges?
  • Irrigation systems, canals, reservoir, filled dam/s or siphon work?
  • Demolition greater than 15m in height?
  • Exploration, dangerous gases, work in oil?
  • Chemical/ petrochemical plants or other dangerous occupations?
  • Underground works tunnelling, shafts or galleries excavation deeper than 10m?
  • Blasting or explosives?
  • Directional drilling or boring greater than 1m in diameter?
  • Airport/aircraft landing area, railways, tramlines or on road works or bridges?
Yes  No

Public Liability

(For amounts you become legally liable to pay as compensation for Personal injury or Property Damage as a direct result of an occurrence happening in connection with your business - subject to the Insurers PDS/Policy Wording)

  Yes No
  Yes No
Do your operations include any of the following:
  • work at airports, railway, oilrigs, gas rigs, oil refineries, chemical refineries, mines or quarries, ship yards?
  • work with/on cooling towers, alarm systems or mainframe computers?
  • boilers and/or compressors which require Government certificates?
  • manufacture, distribution, storage, transportation, of chemicals or other toxic or harmful matter?
  • use or storage of explosives?
  • provide any advice, design or professional services, whether or not a fee is charged for such advice, design or professional service?
  • conduct any welding?
Yes  No


(Covers the insured property anywhere in Australia - subject to the Insurers PDS/Policy Wording)


Have you, or anyone who will operate any of your Vehicles or Machinery:
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No


* Mandatory Fields
Thank you for completing our online form.
We will endevour to contact you with your insurance details soon.
We may need to contact you to obtain additional information to provide you with an insurance quotation.
Completion of this form does not put an insurance policy/cover in place - you will need to contact us to arrange insurance cover.
All information you provide must be correct, true, and accurate as incorrect or misleading information may alter our quote and jeopardise cover if you proceed with a policy.
We recommend that you read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement when considering an insurance policy.

Item 1


e.g. excavator, sedan, rigid truck etc
  Add vehicle attachment
/ /
Yes   No


Additional Driver / Operator 1


/ /