Taking care of all your insurance needs under one roof
Building Designers Insurance...Sorted.
Like with most professional roles where a level of service and support for clients is involved, there is always a level of risk associated with the work you deliver. The team at CGIB have been working with building designers for years to create tailored insurance packages for:
- Building designers
- Service designers
- Architects
- Interior designers
- Town planners
- Energy raters
And any other types of building designers and consultants.
We understand the insurance needs of building designers
We know designers make up a large portion of the building industry and your needs aren’t always the same as architects and builders. For decades we’ve been assisting building designers to protect their business and reduce risk.
Our experienced insurance brokers understand the finer details of the building design industry and have a great grasp on what your business needs to ensure you are adequately protected. Whether you are a sole trader or head up a larger design business, we’ve got the know-how to give you the peace of mind you need to get on with the job.
Our Professional Indemnity Policies are custom designed to suit the unique needs of building designers. We believe that our Scheme Policy is still one of the only Building Designer Policies that have no Exclusion or Limitations on ‘Cladding Claims’ in Australia.
To help you manage cash flow you have the option to pay your premium monthly. Plus we keep things simple and you can align multiple policies with one anniversary date if you wish.

Talk to a person
Our focus is on providing you with personlised service. From taking up a policy to making a claim, we’re here to help.

Insurance Made Easy
Purchasing insurance can be confusing and time consuming. We know the insurance market and we can tailor a solution for your individual needs.

Our Strength
As licensed insurance brokers established in 1984, we are an experienced insurance broker with a long and secure history.

Price & Security
Offering competitive premiums and quality service, our insurance policies are available Australia wide and provide you with the security of Australia's largest Insurers. We also offer a choice of flexible payment options.
Keep up to date on news and insights from the blog
Providing you with great insurance products to protect what’s most important to you is a given. But we also believe in keeping you up to date with the day to day risks that businesses face. Check out our blog for the latest.