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Construction and Liability (Single Project) Insurance Online Quote Form

Please complete the following information and submit this form to obtain an insurance quotation for construction and public liability insurance for your building project. 

All information you provide must be correct, true, and accurate as incorrect or misleading information may alter our quote and jeopardise cover if you proceed with a policy.

Please refer to the CGIB Financial Services Guide, Privacy Statement, General Advice Warning and Duty of Disclosure before completing this form.


Proposed Policy Holder Full Name/s*
Project Street Number and Street Name*
Post Code* City/Town*


Total Cost of the Project* $ (Total Replacement cost of the completed works)
Existing Building Sum Insured $ Often building Insurance (e.g. home insurance) does not provide cover while a building is under construction. We recommend existing building insurance
Public Liability*    

Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with your Construction and Public Liability enquiry.

Unfortunately we no longer offer insurance for projects with a construction value under $500k.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information and we wish you the best with your project.

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Type of work to be performed*
Please specify the type of work*
Will all materials be stored in a locked premises or container when not fitted?*
Building type*
Please specify building type*
Construction material*
Please specify material type*
Project arranged by*
Builder Name*
Owner Name*
Owner Occupation*
Is Owner Self Employed?*
Have the works commenced*
Please provide a start date*  Have the works exceeded the Slab/Base/Foundation stage
Project start date (est)*
Height of the works*
Construction period*
Please provide an estimated completion date
Maximum excavation depth*
Total area of building/s* (sq/m)
Is the site connected to mains water supply?
Does the property have any water tanks, dams, etc, connect to fire pumps?*
The distance from the property to the nearest fire station:*
Shortest distance to any land boundary*
Does the project involve:
A basement A special foundation Demolition
Piling Steep Block Reclaimed Land
Underpinning Steep Block Adjoining Property Protection Orders
Below or over water table National Heritage or Historic Listed Welding or flame cutting activities
Swimming pool Blasting


Have you ever suffered any losses or claims?
Please confirm if you have suffered any accidents or incidences that would give rise to a claim under this insurance?
Have you ever had any insurance cancelled or declined or special terms imposed?
Have you ever been charged or convicted of any criminal offence or declared bankrupt?
Are you aware of any matters not disclosed above that are relevant to the underwriter's consideration of this insurance?
Please provide all relevant information to all questions answered “Yes”. Please include where applicable, dates, insurance companies, amounts claimed,
and other information that may be relevant to the consideration of this insurance.:


First Name*  
Contact Postal Address same as Project Address?
Postal Address*
Post Code* City/Town*
Phone Number* (please include area code)  
Fax Number (please include area code)  
Email Address*
How did you find us?*
Please provide details
* Mandatory Fields
Thank you for completing our online form.
We will endevour to contact you with your insurance details soon.
We may need to contact you to obtain additional information to provide you with an insurance quotation.
Completion of this form does not put an insurance policy/cover in place - you will need to contact us to arrange insurance cover.
All information you provide must be correct, true, and accurate as incorrect or misleading information may alter our quote and jeopardise cover if you proceed with a policy.
We recommend that you read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement when considering an insurance policy.